Problems With Unrequited Love & Important Tips

We must always remember that everything we experience in life is an opportunity for us to discover the truth about ourselves, and at the same time we must recognize that no experience is useless, if it is the worst, we will surely learning lessons to learn from them, to help us make our future life different from what we have been through.
In fantasy novels and Hollywood movies, we see two people who love each other and spend the rest of their lives happily ever after. But, the real life of these beautiful stories is different. It is likely that love does not automatically gain recognition from the other side.
This essay, which we quoted from the Aljazeera website, tells about the life circumstances that a person faces when he lives with unrequited love and what he should do to overcome these difficult circumstances.
An expert named Sisal Marasco, in a report released by Channel TV in Canada, said that although it is possible for men to fall in love with women, and the girl is not with them, the truth is that women are those who suffer the most from the situation of unrequited love.
Women are naturally inclined to look for more details in everything and to look at how it came about and the meanings behind it, and this often leads to the details they find putting them at risk. .
One of the problems that women find is that a small smile that she saw on the other person, a gentle movement and a specific conversation or conversation can be the reason that the girl immediately thinks that the man has shown love to her, and many times. It just so happens that she, as she thinks about that spirit, will later fall in love with her.
Usually, falling in love instills in the person a desire to interpret and understand the other party’s behavior, while also evaluating how his or her feelings would like to be loved.
The experts said that the person you love and you find out that he is not in love with you, it causes a lot of pain in the heart of the person.
The best time for such a person is when the person he loved left him or could not be with him. Because every time the feelings of a lover are aroused, the mind of a person pictures the faults and criticisms of this person, so it convinces itself that he is not the right person to love.
One of the first steps that a person can take to overcome the difficult circumstances resulting from unrequited love, is to make time for himself. It is a method that sociologists recommend to anyone who cuts off a relationship with another person, even if it is a normal human relationship.
It is true that love is in the memory of a person for a while, but it is important that a person repeats to himself the fact that this person he loved is not coming, so he has to adapt to the circumstances of life without that person. ah.
When we understand the fact that the love we have is not driven by the other side, it is necessary that the mind does not have much time to think about the problems that have occurred or to picture the good days that we shared with the person we love.
It is important that we occupy the soul with other activities that prevent it from having free time to think about the spirit it loves. It is true that it is difficult to forget a loved one, but it is possible to prevent the mind from having time to spend on the memory of that love.
Practical tips:
That we are healed by love overnight, it is a matter of fact. And keep in mind that people are not all the same in their susceptibility to the problems of a successful lover.
Social media experts advise anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one, to go through the following steps:
Sometimes allowing oneself to cry to express the psychological burden of being lost or rejected, it gives the soul more relief and accepting that the person it loves is not ready to suffer. and all shared, so she forgets a lot of pain
Songs and movies:
Many times people in this situation resort to listening to sad songs and watching movies that are similar to their situation. It is true that they can be a dressing for the pain, and at least the moments he watches or listens to are more enjoyable, but sociologists admit that watching these movies or listening to these songs only inflames the burning sensation in the heart of the person
Cut ties:
A person who is in this situation is advised to cut all social ties, at least for a limited time. It is true that it is not easy, especially when the person who has fallen out of love or rejected you is a close person, such as when they are in the same job, university or neighborhood and when they are relatives
Delete memories:
It is better to get rid of all pictures, messages, texts and anything that brings back memories of love
Return to your way of thinking:
Psychologists recommend that a person with this condition should try to change the way he thinks, and to try to push his memory to think about things that are different from what it was thinking about before. , such as to start new activities, to travel or to switch to another job.
Take some time for yourself:
Experts recommend that a person who is in a relationship or relationship should make an effort to make time for himself or herself, to go back to what is wrong with his or her life. prioritize, and what he wants in the future
Tip: Try to seek closure in whatever way feels right for you, whether that means having a conversation with the other person, writing a letter, or finding closure within yourself.
Remember that closure does not always come from the other person, and it’s important to find your own sense of closure to move forward
In summary, unrequited love can be a difficult experience, but it’s important to take care of yourself, seek support, and actively work on moving forward. Remember that your worth is not determined by someone else’s feelings for you, and there are many opportunities and connections waiting for you in the future
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