Part Two: The Story of Believe Me

In the reminder of the first part, it was there for us: “The matter that happened at the University, the fight between the classmates Hani and Jamal has been resolved”.
>> The next day
At the end of the classes at noon, Hani, Deck, Jamal and other members of the class committees had a meeting. with the head of the university, they discussed the new program they are running, which is called “Educate, don’t oppress anyone with a pen”, they finally agreed to start the same day, and they have already started it, the students and some One of the administrators of the university went from class to class of the university, making speeches that mentioned that education and war should not interfere with each other, and the emphasis should be on education and to help each other with the knowledge of the person who is missing something or not. In the end, all the classes shared the message of the educational program, don’t oppress anyone, then they agreed with the other students to deliver the program tomorrow morning, since it is now afternoon and most of the students are in the morning.
Hani, who is shopping in the university market, was stopped by Jamal, then he said: “Hey, Hani, take what you want, but don’t kill yourself”.
Hani: “Friends, we don’t see sweet words and kindness in you. You are a person who thinks about other souls. First of all, feed your own or give something that seems to be in need of you.”
Jamal: “I understood it in a different way, but just go beyond the need to protect yourself”, then he took a cold drink from the mug and sat on a chair.
Hani also took a drink and a drink, and then sat on a chair near where Jamal was sitting, then she said: “Friends, you are really the first boy, tell me to take care of yourself, that speech made me feel differently. Chatter, who do you live with?
Jamal: “When you want to interview someone, you have to ask for a request, so you have entered a place that is not yours.”
Hani: “Mmm, okay bro, now asking for your query, I need to interview you, Do you assume or settle for what?”
Jamal: “So many sweet words attract me or plant me, say that I have a good attitude, I was joking with you, and you can ask me anything”.
Hani: “So, I would like you to share your full data with me, on your life.”
Jamal: “Properly, my life is good, I’m joyful and generally I’m sad, I’m a cheerful, self-confident, quiet particular person.”
Hani: “No, may God bless you and protect you, but tell me about your family so that I can get to know them too.”
Jamal: “First of all, my father is the great businessman of Hebel Hebel”.
Hani: “I know, I even saw it once. I was born to mother Heblayo Hebel and father Hebel Hebel. They are friends of your father who is a businessman.”
Jamal: “Although I have looked my father several times and learned about his business, Haven’t seen your parents’ names, but that doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be proud of my father’s money. Those who are older than me have applied abroad, but I chose to do something in my home country.” learn, and my father told him until I reach a good level of education that he will not interfere in his work, so he went to my father’s work”.
Hani: “It is the culture of a person who has a long-term ambition or a future to think about your behavior. It is good for a person with money to subsidize or pay for your education, but it is not a good thing to learn more than to ask that person, the person from a wealthy family, He doesn’t finish his education and he depends on the money of his parents. First of all, rich families don’t have much education. There are rich people who have a lot of education and are not accountable. So that’s it, get over it, I’ll leave you again.”
Jamal: “Even though you are not talking about yours, let’s leave now.”
Hani: “That’s no problem, we’ll talk on what’s-app tonight, it’s great”, that’s how they said goodbye…
After hours, Hill Aweys
Jamal was called by Hani through WhatsApp and they interviewed each other, then Jamal said: “Hey Hani, you have fulfilled your promise.”
Hani: “I’ve by no means made a promise, if I do not fulfill it and I’m caught by time and circumstances, cross it if I begin or speak about my life, I’m the one one who can communicate, as a result of the individual’s life or his habits can also be his personal.” It is not a narrative, it’s a must to really feel it, if he talks about it, it is finished for him and simply say it. . It is not true for me, as a result of I am ready for you unsure, I’ll the nation of doubt, earlier than I sit down, I determine to go to school. and also you grew to become my alternative.
Jamal: “Choice is amazing and it is the best way to make a love relationship. If I became your choice, it’s a matter of happiness, but if I don’t have another relationship, what do you think?”
Hani: “These days, love has been made to run and play with the guts. If you have another relationship, it is a good thing that you should be encouraged to maintain the relationship, but for me, you are my only choice, I told you, but my heart is not worthy.” ..
Hani: “My friend, you are an experience who knows a lot information love. In more case, you are my selection. When he finds you in my heart, you will be my love.”
Jamal: “Welcome, I am satisfied with your choice, cross my brothers and sisters, why are you leaving your motherland, don’t stop, cross my brothers and sisters in your motherland, why are you leaving it, don’t stay.”
Hani: “My buddy, that nation needs me to stay there, as a result of it’s my ambition, and additionally it is the place our household resides, despite the fact that my different brothers and sisters are in different nations.”
Jamal: “The effect with money is that, the person who has money will run away from the country, and the ones who remain in the country are those who don’t have money, get over it, time goes on, tomorrow we are waiting for the university, we wish you the best Hani” .
Finally, Hani and Jamal said goodbye
>> The next day
Hani and Jamaal saw each other in restaurant in the university, Hani said: “This morning I will have breakfast, so give your order”.
Some of Hani and Jamal’s classmates, who were listening, were shocked by this statement.
Jamal answered and said: “There is nothing to complain or say about it. Let everyone follow their own interests. If she gives me everything, will it be given to you? I have given her breakfast.”
The students left the place, where Jamal and Hani remained, then they had breakfast together, while they were having breakfast, Jamal said: “You are really teaching me something new, that is to eat with a girl, and that It is being eaten now.”
Jamal: “Brother, let me ask you. Have you made previous relationships?”
Hani: “Dear friend, are you new to dating?”.
Jamal: “I’m not new to you, so was wondering that statement about.”
Hani: “they Friends, you haven’t seen any relationships yet, because it is not good for the girl or the boy to ask if you have had a relationship, because he has told you I see someone asking you for an interview that you don’t want, I will answer you, but tell other people or your friends, and warn them about this, because people are not like me, some people do things to you and don’t answer you, just to keep going. One should question the new life without questioning the old life.
Jamal: “Yes, that’s right, from your words I remembered a story that happened to a friend of mine who married a girl who was a prostitute. When they were seven, when the two of them finished their work, the boy asked the girl about her past life and what happened between her and her. the old man. The girl said to him first, let me answer you, should I bring you a drink or a drink, then she looked for him, while she added a sleeping pill, she brought him water, after he drank it, he fell asleep, then she went upstairs to the room. She closed it, she slept in the other room, he woke up hours later, he found himself alone in the bedroom, then he looked for his girlfriend, he saw the door closed, then he picked up the phone and called her. – said, she took the phone from him, when he was on the phone for hours, she opened the door, then he asked her where she went and why she closed the door, but she only replied to them, TRUST ME, then he realized that He asked the girl something wrong, he apologized… And that’s what happened to the boy, the person you share your new life with, don’t remind him of his old life, otherwise the life he shares with you will be destroyed.
Hani: “HMM, she informed me an instance story, so let’s go to class, the time’s up, cease.”.”
>> After three months
The mid-term exam started at the university where Jamal and Hani are studying. They disappeared on the first day.
Jamal: “The important thing is to sit for the exam, not to come and re-read the lessons I read last night, I’m missing them, I’m sure, and I’ll come after this time, God willing”.
Hani: “Yes, I’m love that too, Jamal gave me good advice”.
Next episode and later
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