Somali and funny stories

A Somali story in the second half
Someone entered the mosque earlier and the thief stole it from him and the thief was in the mosque and he was in the mosque. . I’m doing what my father did.” The thief who was close to the door heard it and said to him, “My friend, go out, this is it, and you are wrong.” When he left, he asked your friend, what did your father do? He said, “My father left without his shoes.
Somali story from Mudug
The people of Mudug are wealthy people, most of the people in that region are people who believe in the Ahlul Sunna wal Jama’ah. A mosque in the Mudug region, especially in Galkayo city, has been imamed by an eminent sheikh, he has gathered a large congregation of Mudug people in the hall.
Every time he leads the prayer, the bisin is not sick, and later the congregation asked themselves why the sheikh leaves the bisin? They went to the sheikh in a car and were asked why do you leave the gas? He said he won’t leave but he can’t.
Then some of the congregation suggested should we kill the sheikh or expel him? First of all, the university decided that when the sheikh is giving advice, when he finishes washing, the faithful should not be heard.
The sheikh, who is a news moog, started to lead the congregation and then finished the ablution (parents)! The place where Amen was waiting, he answered.
The sheikh was surprised and looked behind him. What news did you get? I was surprised. I thought that not one person was alive. While they were laughing, the sheikh replied, “How did you hide the beer? We have also hidden it from the faithful, so keep it up with us.”
Funny story: A man with a knife
A man with a knife stood in front of a mosque when the prayer was finished, and then he said, “Who is a Muslim?” One man raised his finger and the remained silent. He took the man away, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Help me.” He got used to it and ironed it out. When he helped him, he said, “Can you wait for the skin while you are taking it off? Go back to the mosque and take it from someone else.”
He returned to the mosque with the knife dripping with blood, then he said, “Who else is a Muslim?” They were all silent, he repeated, “Who else is a Muslim talking to us?” All the people pointed at the imam and said, “We are sure of the priest who beat us.
The priest stood up, put his turban on his head and said, “Are you going to tell your mother, are the two rak’ahs that I asked you to be Muslim.
Somali story: A girl fell in love with a religious priest
A girl fell in love with a religious priest (from a mosque) and whenever she heard him, she said, “Oh, the priest has a sweet voice.” A married man was troubled by this issue and was thinking for a while about how to get rid of her without telling anyone.
Then the next night he sent a message to a young boy and said, “What do you say in Hebla? The priest from the mosque wants you and he is waiting for you somewhere in Hebla, go to him.” The woman, who was dressed in one piece, hurried to the place where she was called, and the man, who was pretending to be a priest, stood there while wearing white clothes to hide himself.
The woman who was running went to the appointed place, and she said, God is the priest with a sweet voice. He left without answering started and she ran away, very surprised. The next day, the priest came and the man said, “Oh, he is the priest with a sweet voice and he is preaching, do you hear the pilgrims?” The woman jumped up and said, “What a sweet voice the plague that kills women is being told in the places.
A story from the people of Galkayo
Will from Galkayo sat for an exam and when he couldn’t do anything he wrote on the paper at the end.
On the day of the results, they wrote to the teachers that “your failure does not mean your failure”, but because of your observation, you deserve 1 more year to stay with us.
Short funny Somali story about a man who does not pray
A man took his wife to read the Qur’an, after he thought she was possessed by a “jinn”. So the girl, when the Koran was recited to her, the Jinn spoke and said:- Sheikh, I leave this girl, but on one condition;
So the Sheikh first rejected the condition but later accepted it and said:- Tell me what is the condition?, the Jinn said:- I will leave the girl, but I will enter her husband.
The man who was sitting there was terrified when he heard the words of the Jinn, and the Sheikh denied the Jinn, but the Jinn said to the Sheikh:- Sheikh, do you know the reason why I want to enter the Man?, the Sheikh said: – Tell me the reason. The jinn said: Sheikh, this man does not pray.
The man jumped up and said: – His lie is gone Sheikh.
The Sheikh then said to the Jinn:- Leave the girl, stay away from their house, if the man doesn’t pray, go inside and “shout”.
The jinn said: – Well, that is our promise.
And the girl got well. After some time, the girl called the sheikh,
While thanking him, the sheikh said: – What about the man?
The girl answered: – Sheikh, he opens the mosque, and the muadin is in front of him.
The sheikh said that Allah is the guide. As the girl laughed, the sheikh said: Sheikh, it is true and Allah is the guide, but I was nowhere and there was no Jinn, I just wanted my husband to pray. I couldn’t do it in A man who says a prayer..
Somali story of a man from Mudug looking for sex
An old man and an aunt from Mudug, who wanted to have sex but were shy, met them somewhere.
The old man said, the woman put her hands over her mouth and said: What news have you got, black man? He replied with a smile and it was dead. A few minutes later, a strong wind blew the roof away.
She replied it was a grave.
The old man approached the woman and asked, “Is the body buried?”
The old man said happily that he will bury the beer for us